BCC Instruction For Multiple Stages

Method Instructional Program (MIP)
The foundation BCC Course. A year long course split into 4 sessions with unlimited charting assistance for that year. This course is for those in regular cycles, meaning you are not postpartum and you are not perimenopause. This course can be taken by single women, engaged couples, and married couples.
*Information can be used for family planning upon completion of session 2
*Married Couples may take sessions 1 and 2 together
Postpartum Program
A unique protocol for breastfeeding postpartum women. You do not need to have any previous BCC or FAM/NFP experience.
This course spans three sessions up to your sixth postpartum cycle and includes unlimited charting assistance during that time. The timeline for every woman will look different but the breakdown for session will follow this guide:
Session 1: Introduction scheduled 6 weeks postpartum or later
Session 2: Return of Fertility scheduled upon return of cycles
Session 3: Wrap-Up scheduled six cycles later with option to move to the Method Instructional Program
* If you have not yet taken the MIP, you will need to complete Session 1 of MIP in tandem with the Postpartum Program. Additional Fee: $50.
*If you have already participated in the postpartum program but would like follow-up instruction in subsequent postpartum periods, you may do individual sessions or a full program refresher and unlimited consults through the sixth cycle postpartum for a fee of $150.​

Perimenopause Program
Specialized protocols for women entering the menopause transition. You can inquire about if you meet the cycle criteria through a Consultation Call or email.
This course is two sessions and content depends on which phase of Perimenopause you are in. The Perimenopause Program includes unlimited charting assistance for one year.
*If you have not taken the MIP, you will need to complete Sessions 1-3 in tandem with the Perimenopause Program. Additional fee: $100